Is Writing has a gender ? | Artlife
Is writing also has a gender. If we take a over look over the media, either its electronic media or print media . we can find most of the news , issues, shopping etc are covered for women. Just one day when I moved my eye bolls over my rack I noticed that most of the famous magazines are for females. You take the name. And you find the same.
They are covered with the female issues. like : health , fashion , Beauty tips, sex problems and many others. Not just this, most of the newspaper also covers women's issue.But this print media don't have cover page for men.
That's mean only that men don't have any problems. Thanks to this wonderful media.
But do really think this is true . I personally don't think so.
If one will check the suicide rate ratio then you can find its double with compare to female. Either he is a student doesn't matter. But the ratio every year goes approx 10 % high . Why it so ? Because of the biggest tension that every men faces in his whole life that to earn more and more for his family , to show his excellence in every walk of life . Till the end of his life every men have to prove every day that he is a male. Even a male are not allowed to cry openly because he is a male. Thanks for this one sided pressure.
If you talk about teetotalers rate , druggist rate, homeless beggars , suicide rate of male students they all outnumber females.
Look at the sadhus who roams all over they all are male . Do you really think they roam spiritually. A matter to think , or due to their inability to cope with society need. Please think on this.
If you talk about sex, the most important issue to be prove that one is male. Most of the sex boost medicine are for male . And thanks to the media to make it a great issue. when you have a look to the advertisement then you can find its totally one sided . depressed male face and a annoyed female (wife) from that picture its really clear that the wife is annoyed or unsatisfied by the poor bed performance by the man. But why this sexual issue is increasing in male only , Its due to stress, according to science.
This is reality, but no any media cover it out .
If you talk about life span then also male predecease women. Take the ratio of heart attack its also high in male with compare to female. Check the dwarf ratio its also male.
Transgender, sex transfer, cross dressed , check it out all ratio leads to male.
Most of the love failures committing suicide are male , they don't commit suicide not only because of the emotional pain of the separation. That separation reminds him that he fails in any sector either income or any which is the region for the rejection. I really want to ask a question why its only important for male to earn why a male can't do a household thing and the female can go out for work. Why its one sided pressure . why we just divided the rules according to gender .
They are covered with the female issues. like : health , fashion , Beauty tips, sex problems and many others. Not just this, most of the newspaper also covers women's issue.But this print media don't have cover page for men.
That's mean only that men don't have any problems. Thanks to this wonderful media.
But do really think this is true . I personally don't think so.
If one will check the suicide rate ratio then you can find its double with compare to female. Either he is a student doesn't matter. But the ratio every year goes approx 10 % high . Why it so ? Because of the biggest tension that every men faces in his whole life that to earn more and more for his family , to show his excellence in every walk of life . Till the end of his life every men have to prove every day that he is a male. Even a male are not allowed to cry openly because he is a male. Thanks for this one sided pressure.
If you talk about teetotalers rate , druggist rate, homeless beggars , suicide rate of male students they all outnumber females.
Look at the sadhus who roams all over they all are male . Do you really think they roam spiritually. A matter to think , or due to their inability to cope with society need. Please think on this.
If you talk about sex, the most important issue to be prove that one is male. Most of the sex boost medicine are for male . And thanks to the media to make it a great issue. when you have a look to the advertisement then you can find its totally one sided . depressed male face and a annoyed female (wife) from that picture its really clear that the wife is annoyed or unsatisfied by the poor bed performance by the man. But why this sexual issue is increasing in male only , Its due to stress, according to science.
This is reality, but no any media cover it out .
If you talk about life span then also male predecease women. Take the ratio of heart attack its also high in male with compare to female. Check the dwarf ratio its also male.
Transgender, sex transfer, cross dressed , check it out all ratio leads to male.
Most of the love failures committing suicide are male , they don't commit suicide not only because of the emotional pain of the separation. That separation reminds him that he fails in any sector either income or any which is the region for the rejection. I really want to ask a question why its only important for male to earn why a male can't do a household thing and the female can go out for work. Why its one sided pressure . why we just divided the rules according to gender .
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