How to change the color in photoshop . Many of use photoshop for our photo retouching.
so here, you can learn how to change the color of once hair in photoshop.
First you need to open the image in photoshop.
I had taken a model image .
ctrl+o (Open)
after opening the image make a selection with the help of pen tool.
P= Pen tool.
and then Ctrl +J to duplicate the selection . Now rename the layer.
Now we will click on color balance option with mask .
from this black and white circle you can get color balance option .
I used the setting for the color balance as shown in the fig below. you can apply different color setting on your wish.
After that i go to brush (B) then choosen the soft brush. so that I can apply mask on it.
Which will help me to paint on the hair.
Remenber that you have forground color should be white you use D or X to switch between black and white.
then i used the brush tool to paint the area of the hair . And last I got the result.
If you have any problem , during this retouching then you can comment in the box.
You can watch my tut. on you tube also the link is
so here, you can learn how to change the color of once hair in photoshop.
First you need to open the image in photoshop.
I had taken a model image .
ctrl+o (Open)
after opening the image make a selection with the help of pen tool.
P= Pen tool.
and then Ctrl +J to duplicate the selection . Now rename the layer.
Now we will click on color balance option with mask .
from this black and white circle you can get color balance option .
I used the setting for the color balance as shown in the fig below. you can apply different color setting on your wish.
After that i go to brush (B) then choosen the soft brush. so that I can apply mask on it.
Which will help me to paint on the hair.
Remenber that you have forground color should be white you use D or X to switch between black and white.
then i used the brush tool to paint the area of the hair . And last I got the result.
If you have any problem , during this retouching then you can comment in the box.
You can watch my tut. on you tube also the link is
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