Orange | artlife

                                                    O   R  A  N G  E   C  O  L  O  R
Orange color is associated with Joy, Heat , Sunrise, Health, Happiness, Fun , freedom , Sexuality and many others.
Orange is the combination of Red and Yellow color. red is associated with energy and yellow is associated with joy. So it is associated with happiness, joy and sunrise. Orange is less aggressive than red since it contain a amount of yellow which means joy.
Orange is a very hot color And in general it is associated with hot summer and the Sun. Orange is a very attractive color and it is used to be cynosure in a group.
Orange is also associated with change of season and autumn leaves.
One You can find in restaurant . the use of orange color. in their  in menu cards. Why ?
As orange is associated with appetite and hunger.So it is used by to cater feeling of  hunger  
More important, orange is a very social color , making people  open up and enhance their communication.So it said that if you like orange color then you are more social and if don't like then you love small circle Or in other words you can say you don't like parting or moving out.
It is a attractive color so it is used by designer to decorate the design.

*The positive Traits : Optimism,  enthusiasts, self - confidence, adventurous .And represent new beginning.
The Negative Traits : Unsocial, Superficial, inexpensive.
                                 The importance of orange color in Hinduism 
Orange color is has its own importance in Hinduism . As orange color is associated with fire and fire burst impurities  so combining this , Orange color symbolizes  purity and it is color of holy men in Hinduism. It represent the color of Sun, Mars and Jupiter. Saffron is the battle color of Rajputs.
As Saffron is a shade of fire and in Hindus Fire has its own importance. Fire destroy impurities.  


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