Black is a color which symbolizes Fear, Power , Death , Evil , Strength , authority . Color and our lifestyle are related with each other. When we are in a very happy mood we choose bright colors and when we feel sad we moves to darker shades. It will be not wrong to say that color is simply a light of various wave length so each color has its own energy and wave length.
Meaning of color also changes with the geographical area or you can say it to changes from country to country, religion to religion .
Now lets talk about BLACK
Personally this is my favorite color. But its not about personal thoughts.
In many countries its symbolizes Death and sadness .
If you talk about India , it symbolizes evil and negative energy and darkness. In India while going to temple people generally avoid black dress even in many rituals like marriage(Hindus) people don't wear black clothes in India.
Different areas have different meanings for BLACK
* It also symbolizes age , Maturity in many countries
*Black cat are symbolizes as evil and a messenger of sorrow
* Even you see in movies or in stories black color are used to show mysteries or secrets especially in horror movies
* Black color dress is also was in fashion in older days and even todays era also .On one hand it shows power and on in other hand it look sexy also.
Black is also associated with sex and the forbidden
Wow its just fabulous. .